Monday, April 13, 2020

How to test LinkSpy?

If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in earning money using Url Shorteners or you already use them and wonder how to earn more? If so, you are in a good place.

LinkSpy is an Ad Server for Url Shorteners that helps to increase earnings from shorteners. It allows to use many shorteners on a single website and in a result it will assure more paid views, better rates and more money.

You already know what LinkSpy is, you want to earn more but you are still hesitating if it really works? Don't worry, we are aware that LinkSpy is something new on the shorteners market and it can bring some doubts to new users. But why not try it?

Just test it, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

Easy steps to test LinkSpy on your website:

  1. Create LinkSpy's account
  2. Link at least 3 Url Shorteners
    We advise to use at least 3 shorteners but depending on your traffic volume you can use more of them. If you don't know what is the best amount of shorteners for your website you should read the article: How many Url Shorteners should I link to LinkSpy?
  3. Use Full Page Script for website integration
    Full Page Script is the easiest and fastest way to integrate website with LinkSpy. You can also create short links one by one and put them on your website but we don't recommend this option.Placing only few links from LinkSpy won't use its potential fully. LinkSpy monetizes many views from a single user (unique IP) so it is crucial to handle all links with LinkSpy. Otherwise you won't see any difference.
    You can find some tutorials how to use Full Page Script with Wordpress and Blogger here:
  4. Test it for few days and compare the results
    After few days of testing LinkSpy, please compare your results from shorteners you used for it with statistics from single shortener that you used before. The sum of paid views and earnings should be higher than before.
  5. Share your expirience
    If you have any doubts or questions read the FAQ or ask us using contact form. If you are satisfied with LinkSpy share your experience with your friends or people who also earn using url shorteners.